Pop-up Shop
Design a space that mirrors your product's experience.
Sometimes there's no substitute for the real thing. Test your assumptions by launching your business or service for one week.
Design a space that mirrors your product's experience.
Sometimes there's no substitute for the real thing. Test your assumptions by launching your business or service for one week.
Create the best prototypes by turning up the competition.
Sometimes it's the thrill of competition that unlocks genius in rapid prototyping. Gather some of your colleagues, set some ground rules, and go for the gold.
Iterate your way to better prototype.
Iteration can teach you something new about your prototype. If you flex this muscle early on in the process, it'll make your ideas better - and stronger - in the long run.
A tool that helps a designer assess the demands a product/design puts on the user. This tool can be used by anyone creating a product, design, or service and wants to critically assess its demand on users.
Create a design prototype without a single line of code.
Creating digital tools can be expensive, so it's critical to have confidence in your solution before starting to build. One trick is to test potential features of your digital solution using existing tools.
Design a brochure featuring your new idea.
Capture the essence of your product or service with a snappy, beautiful brochure. Test it out and see what people think of it.
Get great by prototyping with simple materials.
Prototyping gets easier with practice. How about starting with something super simple? Exercise your prototyping muscle with Post-its or scratch paper.
Materialize your ideas using what's around you.
It's easy to get stuck in a cycle of talking about our ideas, but design is all about action. Use this exercise to help your team move past theoretical concepts and start making things.
Become immersed in your user's life. Break out of your designer bubble and immerse yourself in the environment you're working to create solutions that feel both fresh and relevant.
If curiosity and empathy can be a driver of creativity, there is no reason why they need be restricted to the observation of others. A range of technologies increasingly allow us to track, monitor and in doing so discover things about our own behaviours. Much of creativity is centred on making visible the invisible and for this reason spending time experimenting tools which allow us to do this may help us reflect on the potential for digital tools to be part of our creative toolbox.
Keep your creativity game strong with daily, colorful exercises.
The first step to unleashing creativity is to build a more creative culture. Devoting daily time to a creative warm-up is an easy way to get started.