Library of facilitation techniques

Diversity Workshop Activities

Group activities and exercises to help participants embracing and valuing diversity.
14 results
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Thiagi Group

Birds of a Feather

Participants naturally want to form groups with common characteristics. This exercise illustrates how diverse groups have access to more resources and provide a greater variety of solutions. Each person is given an index card with a letter on it, and then asked to form a group of five people. Participants assume that they should get into groups with others who have the same letter. However, when the facilitator asks them to form the longest word possible with the letter cards, they realize that it would have been more beneficial to have created a diverse group.

Group Contract for Trust, Creativity & High Performance

Whether your group has already established its dynamics or is working together for the first time, creating a group contract enables people to mindfully ground their behaviours in inclusivity and respect, and promote psychological safety. These dynamics encourage trust, confidence, and inspiration–which in turn build engagement, encourage creativity, and result in wellbeing and success for all.

Teampedia Tools

Friendly Flyers

This is an exercise to build up relational and communication skills. While creating paper flyers in teams, you learn about your group members one-on-one as you build paper planes with them. Afterwards, you get to know more about the rest of your group when you play a personality-matching guessing activity.
Hyper Island

The Sketch Game

A drawing exercise that shows us how we can have different perspectives on various subjects and/or objects - demonstrating cultural diversities. It can help us unlock some of our unconscious assumptions and biases. The task is fairly simple to execute and doesn’t require more than 6 A4 pages/or post-its and a pen for each participant, or a Miro/Mural or virtual whiteboard.

Thiagi Group

Certificates and Advice

Here's a closing activity that combines awarding certificates and giving advice. Each participant picks up someone else's certificate. She hands over the certificate along with a piece of personal advice.