Diversity Workshop Activities

Group Contract for Trust, Creativity & High Performance
Whether your group has already established its dynamics or is working together for the first time, creating a group contract enables people to mindfully ground their behaviours in inclusivity and respect, and promote psychological safety. These dynamics encourage trust, confidence, and inspiration–which in turn build engagement, encourage creativity, and result in wellbeing and success for all.

Friendly Flyers

Celebrity Party
Great activity to help people warm up in a new environment.

The Circle of Trust
The Circle of Trust is a tool that can be used both individually and for groups. You can rate your circle of trust - think of your ‘inner circle’; work, school, or another group - to see how diverse the group of people you trust is.

Diversity welcome
The intention of the diversity welcome is inclusion. It can be long or short. The common element is to inclusively name a range of possibilities with a genuine “Welcome!”

Forced Choice
Invite participants to identify and reflect on which parts of their identities they bring into regular interactions.

The Sketch Game
A drawing exercise that shows us how we can have different perspectives on various subjects and/or objects - demonstrating cultural diversities. It can help us unlock some of our unconscious assumptions and biases. The task is fairly simple to execute and doesn’t require more than 6 A4 pages/or post-its and a pen for each participant, or a Miro/Mural or virtual whiteboard.
A short visual exercise from the Kaos Pilot School.

Certificates and Advice
Fast and very visual way of making positions clear. Creates connections and helps to understand and to accept diversity.

Enough? A poem
This poem can help bridge diversity in a group.