Self Awareness Workshop Activities

Personal SWOB Assessment
A versatile workshop for personal assessment and action planning, in which participants use the SWOB model (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Barriers) to assess themselves, reflect upon key areas for development and create a concise action plan. It includes an interactive component, in which participants work in small groups coaching each other to make their action plans as clear and achievable as possible.

The Feeling Wheel
By growing our emotional vocabulary, we can better identify our emotions, and check in with ourselves. Doing so can help bring a level of self-awareness, and a better understanding of others.

Weather check in

Map Participation Styles
In most meetings, 20% of participants do 80% of the talking. Unfortunately, remote meetings amplify this lousy behavior.
Some people like to talk to think, while others need to think before they talk. Some people are shy and quiet, while others are more vocal and outspoken.
This activity helps assess participation style and adjust behaviors.

Object Meditation
A focused meditation to become present and aware. We accept our feelings, leaving behind what we doesn't serve us right now. A ideal way to open a workshop or team meeting.

Weather Check-in
Each person describes how they are feeling in terms of a weather system.

"When I feel..."
People take turns sharing how they feel and stating what they do when they feel the way someone else is feeling.

Guess who I am
plan some time with your teammates to test your personalities

Listen to my heart
The activity is aimed so that community or group grows closer and forms bonds through listening to each other's hearts.

Enough? A poem
This poem can help bridge diversity in a group.

Rhythm of the hearts
The activity is aimed to get in touch with our own body, inner rhythm as well as rise awareness of people around us.