Guess who I am
plan some time with your teammates to test your personalities
improving team relationship and self-awareness
Before discussing the results, plan some time with your teammates to test your personalities.
Perform all the test on www.16personalities.com (based on MBTI). It will give you your profile among 16 different profiles.
The goal of the game is to guess who is who.
Game rounds
A team member starts. The others shall guess his/her profile. Each player writes down the profile on a piece of paper (or use cards) .
When everyone have guessed, they disclose their choice and explain why.
The ones who find the right profile earn three points. If nobody finds the right profile, do as many rounds as necessary (and decrease the number of points earned).
Do it for each team member.
Winner and way forward
The winner is the one having most points.
Invite then participants to share their 'Praditus' profile and see how you can help each others improving some skills. Develop peer-to-peer development and use strengths of the ones to develop the others.
Context: During a team event or a team building
Comments (1) (4.0 avg / 1 ratings)
This sounds interesting as I am planning an MBTI workshop. Would you be able/prepared to give me a bit more information about what the team member does? What do they do/say that allows their colleagues to guess?