Strength Envelopes
Allow 5 minutes per each member of the playgroup for the group activity and 15 minutes for the individual activity. (Example: If the playgroup has 7 members, the group activity will require 35 minutes. The individual activity will require 15 minutes.)
Brief the players. Organize participants into playgroups and ask each group to sit around a table. Explain that the object of this activity is to identify the strengths of each individual member of the group as perceived by his or her colleagues. Also explain that the activity has two phases: The first one takes place in groups and the second one is completed by individuals.
Distribute supplies. Give a copy of Player's Instructions to each participant. Also distribute a blank envelope and several sheets of blank paper to each participant.
Clarify the steps of the activity. Explain that all instructions for the participating in the activity are included in the handout. Ask participants to skim through the handout to understand the flow of the activity. After a suitable pause, invite participants to ask questions about the activity and provide brief answers. Reassure the participants by announcing that you will be circulating around to help with any problems during the activity.
Begin the group activity. Tell participants to begin by writing their names on the envelope and passing it to the person on the left. Set the timer for 3 minutes and ask participants to write the strength statements. Assist any participant who requires additional clarification. At the end of 3 minutes, blow the whistle and ask participants to fold the statement and place it in the envelope (without sealing the envelope).
Conclude the group activity. Ask participants to repeat the procedure outlined in the handout. Continue timing each round. When the envelopes make their way to the participants whose names are on the envelopes, announce the end of the activity.
Assign individual activity. Ask participants to pick up their envelope, retire to a convenient location, read the strength statements, and process the information by following the instructions given under “Individual Activity” in their handouts. Ask them to spend at least 15 minutes on this activity. Thank the participants and send them on their way.
Source: Thiagi Group
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Thank you for sharing!!