Unique Thing in Common
With a partner, find the 3 most unlikely / unusual / unique things you have in common with each other. Each pair chooses one to share with the group.
With a partner, find the 3 most unlikely / unusual / unique things you have in common with each other. Each pair chooses one to share with the group.
Everyone covers their camera and one person makes a statement that is true about themselves. If it is true for others on the call, they show their face to the camera as well. The initiation for the next prompt is passed to another person in the group.
One person is designated as the leader. Others copy exactly how the leader moves. The leader calls on a new person to be the leader, and so on. Follow the follower variation is when the leading gets passed to the entire group and no single person is leading.
Set the expectations for behavior and conduct you have for participants at the beginning of your online meeting with the Online Meeting Etiquette checklist.
One person shares a goal, other players offer obstacles. Main player delightfully overcomes those obstacles.
In gallery view we say something that is true of you (e.g. I have a dog). Everyone that this is true for keeps their camera on; everyone that this is not true for covers their camera. Repeat with a new true statement from someone else in the group.
As a virtual game in Zoom, have people narrow their screen so they only see 3 people in a row. Each person will simultaneously try to have one person sitting, one standing , and one out of the frame in their row.
People compare something (e.g. themselves, their company, their team) to an object.
People share a fear, it is received by another, and then they are asked to share the advice that a trusted mentor or friend would give them.
Using the chat in zoom, participants share ideas / challenges and then additions / solutions.
In pairs, each person gives a "magical" gift to their partner that relates to what their partner has shared with them.
Everyone plays tag, using breakout rooms in Zoom