Fortunate Me (variation of Fortunately/Unfortunately)
One person shares a goal, other players offer obstacles. Main player delightfully overcomes those obstacles.
One person shares a goal, other players offer obstacles. Main player delightfully overcomes those obstacles.
One person holds up an object to the camera
The rest of the group is given 8 seconds to find a matching object
The first person decides what is the best match
As people are picked up by the driver their emotional state 'infects' the rest of the group.
One partner makes a emotional imperative statement and their partner enthusiastically accepts that perspective. Warm up with acceptance of who they are.
Player 1 has a problem, Player 2 solves it with a random object, Player 1 is thankful.
2 people each think of a word that is a combination of 2 previous words, attempting to land on the same word.
justification game to expand context
One person begins telling a true story and the instructor hands slips of paper with Emotion, Place, or Object for them to incorporate into their story.
2 people yes, and each other's offers and build a scene before our eyes
Each person responds with dramatic emotion to a neutral line