2 people each think of a word that is a combination of 2 previous words, attempting to land on the same word.
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From Ted's blog
Though this game starts with simple rules, it regularly provides rewarding payoffs. One person bring a word, any word, to mind and declares, “One!” Another person brings their own word to mind and announces, “Two!” Those two players then face each other, make eye contact, and count “One, two, three…” before simultaneously saying their word aloud. Maybe that first round generates “snowshoe” and “Mercedes Benz.”
Having heard those two words, all players then silently seek a third word that combines, bridges, or encompasses those two. (I find it helpful to imagine locating a word midway between the two, as if they were on a spectrum.) The first to come up with one possibility shouts “One!,” the next shouts “Two!” and those two use the same count-out-loud ritual to see if their words match. Probably they won’t—maybe you get “Germany” and “snowtire” in our example—and you keep going. Eventually, the group converges on the same word, usually to great delight, and one round is done. Almost inevitably, folks want to keep playing.
One tricky feature to keep in mind: once a word has been mentioned in a given game, you’re no longer eligible to use it.
Remember that you’re only trying to split the difference between the last two words mentioned, not making an ‘echo’ reference to something that came before.
Players who have just offered words remain fully eligible to get in on the next round. Follow whoever’s got an immediate hit and good energy.
It can be fun to watch how a given round weaves in and out of that feeling of convergence. The group can seem right on the edge of getting it and then drift back out to a wider gap before narrowing back down.
Want a challenge? Include three people in each round and try to converge three words at a time.
Do it in a circle: A & B then B & C then C & D until convergence is achieved.
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