Alien, Tiger, Cow
fun warm-up game played in pairs
fun warm-up game played in pairs
Partner A either repeats, rewords, or supports Partner B's statement before adding their own dialogue.
Start with eye contact instructions (2 groups) & mingle
switch roles & mingle
choose and change status
Explore external vs. internal
In pairs, create 30 second scenes with only these 4 words.
One partner makes a emotional imperative statement and their partner enthusiastically accepts that perspective. Warm up with acceptance of who they are.
In small groups one person is introduced and their hypeman hypes them up
One person turns to the person next to them & makes a sound & motion,
person 2 responds with complementary sound & motion.
play is passed around the circle (2 to 3, etc.)
One person sculpts 2 people in relationship. Sculpted people shift their relationship to each other.
One player makes a pose and the other person makes complementary pose
begin scene with partners making silent eye contact