Whoosh, Bang, Zap
Whoosh, bangs, zaps etc. are passed around the circle. Great opportunity to introduce failure bow
Whoosh, bangs, zaps etc. are passed around the circle. Great opportunity to introduce failure bow
Imaginary ball thrown around the group and people spectacularly miss catching it.
In large gatherings that will be stable for a few days or more, you can combine the benefits of having a high number of attendees (e.g. more minds at work!) with the supportive feel of a small group by creating "home groups" or "buddy groups".
Pass out 2 colors of cards. Everyone answers "what does it look like when X topic is present (positive goal). One color puts down cards and builds out answers in paired yes, and conversations. Then switch roles.
One partner makes a emotional imperative statement and their partner enthusiastically accepts that perspective. Warm up with acceptance of who they are.
In small groups one person is introduced and their hypeman hypes them up
One person gives a suggestion and everyone does what they say.
One player leaves the room and the group decides a short series of actions (or one action) to positively reinforce and get the player to do. Group decides on a song to sing louder/softer to hot/cold the person into doing the activity.
1 person is expert, 1 person is interviewer
2 players create a secret 'handshake' when they see each other again they do their handshake