Fast and very visual way of making positions clear. Creates connections and helps to understand and to accept diversity.
Visualise position towards a topic with physical movement of participants.
Ask the participants to position themselves in the space in relation to each other and to the question. Define the scale. Examples:
∙ My excitement today... (big – small)
∙ How long have I been in the company?
∙ I am more thinking/more intuitive
∙ I believe we will make it! (0 - 100%)
On two scales simultaneously:
X = I lead people-oriented
Y = I lead task-oriented
When everyone has found their relative position, ask a few participants why they are standing there. Adding up some numbers, e.g. years of experience, helps the group to appreciate each other.
This method is part of the WonderCards kit. If you'd like to have a personal pack of WonderCards (offline, on paper!), please don't hesitate to klick in our 24x7 open shop: https://petranovskaja.com/shop/
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