Quote for the Day
Using Quote to inspire team and promote trust.
Using Quote to inspire team and promote trust.
This activity could work between sessions as an energiser or an icebreaker. It builds on participants' memory and communication.
Take 5-10 minutes time to wake up group's body & brain!
It's a running around energiser which surely help participants to get their energy level higher.
Draw circles up in the air with the index finger and observe the way the direction of the circles changes, as we change the vantage point.
This is a simple energiser that you can use in a course or workshop to produce some laughter and relaxation. Do not take this seriously, no-one will learn anything profound except the benefits of laughter. It is best for eight to twenty people.
Participants find other participants’ LinkedIn profiles (or other social media) and search for specific information to relay during program icebreakers.
When does perseverance become foolhardiness? Here's a jolt that explores this question.
Partners face off and losers become cheering squad for winners until the last 2 are left to face off.
Using African (and other) Proverbs for inspiration and connection
This activity can serve multiple purposes. It can be used as an energiser or ice breaker for groups that a bit low on energy or first meet each other. Another purpose of the game could be enhance teamwork and show that different people with different beats can make an orchestra.