Library of facilitation techniques

Energizers and Ice Breaker Games

Energizers, energizer games, and ice breaker activities to bring energy into the room. Get people moving, have fun, and ensure your group's energy level is up and everyone is ready to have a productive workshop or meeting with great energizer activities.
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Hyper Island


In the short group challenge, participants must organize themselves in a line according to a certain criteria (like height) without speaking. The activity promotes non-verbal communication and teamwork. Simpler versions of the activity can be used in early stages of group development while more complex versions can be used to challenge more established groups.

Thiagi Group

Stress Balls

Understanding the importance of communication and teamwork is an important requirement for high performance teams of knowledge workers. This exercise is an effective energizer that requires communication and teamwork. Ask participants to form a circle and throw a ball around to simulate the movement of a message. Change different variables such as speed, quantity, and complexity to create a mess.
Nick Heap

Name Game

Use the exercise at, or very near, the start of a course, workshop or meeting where people don't know each other as it helps to learn names of each other

Hyper Island

I Love You Honey...

A simple and short group game all about trying to make each other crack a smile. Participants take turns in the middle, trying to convince another participant to smile using only the like “I love you honey, won’t you give me a smile?” The game generates laughter and helps groups build trust and openness through play.

Hyper Island


Bang is a group game, played in a circle, where participants must react quickly or face elimination. One person stands in the middle of the circle as “the sheriff”, pointing at other players who must quickly crouch while those on either side of them quickly “draw”. A good activity to generate laughter in a group. It can also help with name-learning for groups getting to know each other.

Hyper Island

What are you doing?

This is a simple drama game in which participants take turns asking each other “What are you doing?” and acting out the various responses. Though simple, it engages the imagination and gently challenges participants out of their comfort zone by having them mime a range of different actions.

James Smart

Touch Blue

Touch Blue is a classic energiser that is quick and easy fun for remote teams too! Challenge participants to find objects on their desk that match the attributes you select and have fun doing so!

Hyper Island

Dance, Dance, Dance

In this short and physically active energizer, participants dance playfully in small teams. Periodically, the music changes and members take turns leading the dance. The aim is to generate fun energy and playfulness in a group, often as a counter-balance to more “serious” group work.