2 people make eye contact & then jump up and clap (or spin)
savor moment of connection
don't rush, pay attention to group
play with broken expectations (funny in performance)
magic of connection & co-creation
Group in circle
Round 1:
One person goes to another in the circle, together they jump up together, say HA together & high five in the air. Okay if multiple people go (facilitator prompts another person to start as well)
Round 2:
Any two people make eye contact and run to center, jump up and high 5 together, go to spot of the other person.
Nice to run as only one pair goes at a time - people on outside at circle & need to keep eye contact until your time to go. Introduces the idea of turn taking. Can play with building up the tension before a pair comes out (for sake of performance, being compelling) or turn taking. Being on the spot. How to stay connected. Or run simultaneous.
Round 3:
As round 2, make eye contact, run, meet in center, jump & spin 360, makes eye contact with each other. Go to the position of where your partner came from. One pair at a time.
(made up round - run, spin (not 360), eye contact with new person, those 2 people run in - pass it along)
Round 4.
As above, run to center and can either jump up together & high 5 OR jump & spin to make eye contact with each other (goal is to agree without talking on what will be done). we both land & look at each other. that's fun too. stay connected rather than feeling awkward. Sticking the landing. Ownership.
Round 5 - for improvisors, the hardest thing
Same as round 4, this time they do ANYTHING. very connected at edge of circle (connected) but then get shy & timid.. how can that grow? Find a crescendo.
can be super hard reset at the stop, ie then move in slow motion
Are they connected? Are they imposing and trying to get it over with? Can they discover it together?
from improv perspective - arrive into the scene, be connected, don't cut short energy that's there in the space. more fun with people discover it together. discover how to build it together. discover in the moment.
trains them that eye contact has consequences
2 people looking at each other, physical tension in bodies, be present in your body, super compelling
complicity with scene partner - you are creating something together
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