Library of facilitation techniques

Idea Generation and Innovation Activities

Idea generation techniques to get your group into creative thinking mode and boost innovation. Help people to find new perspectives and build on the collective inspiration of your group.
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Alex Leviton

Ten True Statements about creativity

Time: 5-10 minutes

  1. (15-30 minutes) Write down 10 true statements about your creativity in your Creativity Notebook. These can be anything: ‘I feel the most creative when I’m dancing.’ ‘My desk needs to be messy/tidy for me to feel like I can be creative.’

  2. EXTRA CREDIT: If you get even the slightest whiff of an 'aha!' moment, add a second layer sentence to your Noticing Wall (the back page of your Creativity Notebook). Noticing Wall Statements look like anything from, 'Huh, I never thought of it that way!' to 'Wow, I guess I really do need a messy desk to feel creative; I wonder why.'

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