Collectively match best practices with new problems
Applying existing best practices for new problems
Applying existing best practices for new problems
Most small-group activities will work in a hybrid setting: here are some tips on how to adapt them.
Use Y-box for your New Production Development ideation workshop
Time: 5-10 minutes
(15-30 minutes) Write down 10 true statements about your creativity in your Creativity Notebook. These can be anything: ‘I feel the most creative when I’m dancing.’ ‘My desk needs to be messy/tidy for me to feel like I can be creative.’
EXTRA CREDIT: If you get even the slightest whiff of an 'aha!' moment, add a second layer sentence to your Noticing Wall (the back page of your Creativity Notebook). Noticing Wall Statements look like anything from, 'Huh, I never thought of it that way!' to 'Wow, I guess I really do need a messy desk to feel creative; I wonder why.'