How Groundwork designs and delivers better workshops with SessionLab

Groundwork is a business consultancy based in Austria. Founded in 2018, Groundwork delivers value to their clients by creating team and leadership development programs, delivering training and providing ongoing coaching services. Their mission is to build the foundation of teams, organizations and people so that people can be themselves while doing their best work.
Groundwork have used SessionLab since 2019, and it’s become a vital part of how they design, deliver and collaborate on their training programs and workshops. Here’s how.
Simple, powerful agenda planning
Organizational culture and personal development is Groundwork’s bread and butter. Whether it’s a single workshop or an ongoing development program, everything starts with a well-structured agenda design.
Previously Groundwork used documents and spreadsheets to design their sessions, but found the process inefficient. When they discovered SessionLab, all that changed.
“We did workshop-planning in the old style with Microsoft Word and all kinds of Excel sheets. A friend of mine showed me SessionLab, and I loved it from the beginning. SessionLab provides a very effective and visual tool to design good workshops.”
With the Session Planner, the team at Groundwork are able to visually create their agendas by simply dragging and dropping blocks into place. Simple but powerful features like colour coding activities and automatic time calculation helps make the design process a flow experience.

Delivering engaging, successful experiences
When building the foundation for team development, the bare minimum isn’t enough. At Groundwork, they use SessionLab to help them create exceptional experiences for their clients and workshop participants.
“A successful outcome is an interactive, learnful and emotional experience for our workshop participants full of surprises, safety and aha moments.”
That’s a lot of pressure for the facilitators on the team to design and deliver an impactful experience that will produce lasting change. Thankfully, SessionLab is able to help at every step of the process.
While designing a session, Groundwork facilitators always invite a colleague to review their agenda before delivering them to a client. In SessionLab, it’s easy for the team at Groundwork to invite stakeholders to review their sessions, leave comments and even collaborate asynchronously or in real-time.
“Best for us was that we could all work on the SessionLab agenda together as a team without having to meet in person”.

SessionLab is designed to make the process of updating and refining your agenda quick and easy. Reorder your blocks to quickly test alternative session flows. With automatic time calculation, you can be certain your timing will remain accurate, whatever changes you make.
And the end result? A well-structured workshop that meets client needs, engages participants and makes it easy to facilitate.
“We facilitated a vision/mission workshop with one of our clients and through the exact design in SessionLab, we created a 2 day learning arena in which we could fulfil all their requirements.The experience was fun, entertaining and full of learning.”

Improving team workflow
Staying organized and managing the workflow of the team is a challenge the facilitation team at Groundwork solve with SessionLab. They reuse and adapt their existing workshop designs and share agendas across the team.
As an international team, they also find it useful to have all their content in one-place that they can access from anywhere with an internet connection.
“SessionLab solves the challenge of having access to all kinds of workshop designs. Because it works like a cloud, we can all access it very easily.”
A team workspace has made it easy for Groundwork to collect and manage their agenda designs. It’s easy to invite new team members to the workspace for an ongoing collaboration or simply invite a client to review a single session.
When working with clients, Groundwork finds the ability to export agendas in the format of their choice a massive benefit.
“We can easily share an agenda with our clients, that makes us look more professional.”
By working together in SessionLab and making it a part of their design, client sign-off and delivery process, Groundwork have been able to streamline their workflow and supercharge collaboration.

Better workshops and happier clients
Great results and happy clients are vital for the long term health of any consultancy. Using SessionLab has helped Groundwork design and deliver impactful workshops, training sessions and development programs to hundreds of clients.
“Through SessionLab we work more effectively, we’re more goal oriented and in the end we do better workshops.”
Whether it’s helping teams create innovation, connect to their values or develop their staff, quality is at the heart of what Groundwork does. With SessionLab in their design process, they’re able to deliver high quality client experiences and save time while collaborating too!
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