Workshop activities to Analyse, Understand and Innovate

Customer Service Categories

Free Time
To explore how it feels to be excluded—and to be excluding.

Job Description in 99 Words

The Anchor Effect
This jolt demonstrates how the natural human tendency of becoming heavily attached to a starting value can influence our decision making.
The participants work with two different versions of the same questionnaire. One version asks a series of questions that provide low anchor values, while the other version provides high anchor values. The debriefing discussion examines how anchoring affects our decision making.

Three Questions
Even though Three Questions takes just a few minutes, it provokes the participants into reflecting for a long time.

Words and Pictures
This is a modification of an interactive lecture activity that is transformed into a textra game. This activity can be inserted after participants finish reading a handout. It involves a poster preparation contest that taps into the listeners' linguistic and visual intelligences.

Blame or Praise

Understanding and analyzing a piece of advice are important activities. Here is a game that requires the participants to analyze the features associated with different pieces of advice.

Au Contraire

You may be a trustworthy computer programmer but nobody may trust your ability to manage a project. You may trust your surgeon to do brain surgery—but not to give you financial advice.
Trustworthy differentiates behaviors and traits that contribute to trustworthiness in different situations (such as predictability) and other behaviors and traits that are limited to specific situations (such as surgical expertise).

Timescapes in Threes
This is a great activity to show the power of "now" which we usually underestimate.