Library of facilitation techniques

Questions And Answers Workshop Activities

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Thiagi Group


Here's an interesting game that produces humorous results. Hidden behind the humor, however, is subtle provocation that forces participants to think deeply to justify some of the basic principles and assumptions related to the training topic.

Participants write “Why?” questions related to the training topic. Then each participant writes a response to someone else's “Why?” questions. The questions and answers get mixed up, producing incongruous results.

Zhulieta Ivanova

Puzzle of Power

An educational game that aims to promote confidence in young people in the search of a job. It is designed to help with boosting their confidence in trying various working experiences and focus on gathering transferable skills, rather than try to find the "perfect job".

Society often forces on young people this idea of having a successful career by the age of 30, which is in most cases an unrealistic scenario. This can result in young people experiencing anxiety, depression, burnout and anger in their attempts to work hard to climb the corporate ladder.

With this game we suggest that any job can support you in your personal and professional development by giving you new experiences and skills you haven't had before.
Thiagi Group

Rapid Responses

Here's an experiential introduction to this activity:

What is your preferred technique for learning something new?

Write your answer on a piece of paper. If you don't have a piece of paper, just say your answer out aloud.

I am now going to ask you a different question. Once again, write down your answer (or say it out aloud).

What method do you usually use to train other people?

Compare your answers to the two questions. Are they consistent with each other? If not, why is there a discrepancy between the way you like to learn and the way you train others? Should you not help others learn the same way you like to learn?

Does this inconsistency exist because you believe that training is different from learning? Don't you believe that training has to result in learning?

Does this inconsistency exist because you believe that your learning preference is unique only to you? Don't you think that other people may have unique learning preferences? How does your training accommodate these individual differences?

Thiagi Group

Open Book

Open Book is a quiz game that helps participants become familiar with the structure and organization of a reference manual. During the first phase of the game, individual participants review the manual and prepare 10 questions. During the second phase, participants form into teams and select their five best questions. During the third phase, you conduct a quiz program using these questions and some others that you have prepared earlier.

Paola Ferrario

Domande e risposte galleggianti

La pianificazione dell'accettazione e della risposta alle domande è una delle parti più difficili dello svolgimento di una riunione, un workshop o una presentazione. Ci sarà abbastanza tempo per le domande e risposte? Il pubblico è disposto a fare domande? Quante domande faranno? Accetto le domande alla fine o per tutto il tempo? Come faccio a sapere se alle domande è stata data una risposta utile?

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