![Thiagi Group](png/thumb_thiagi_group_icon_logo.png)
Double your money
This game is effectively shows the power and advantages of collaboration and can be a practical demonstration of the Prisoner Dilemma
This game is effectively shows the power and advantages of collaboration and can be a practical demonstration of the Prisoner Dilemma
Participants work individually, thinking about three teams and the behaviors of desirable teammates and undesirable teammates. Later, they work with a partner (and still later, in teams) to prepare a list of dos and don'ts for being a desirable teammate.
Because a checklist is a focusing object, it demands that the team discuss the order and importance of certain tasks. Team members are likely to have different perspectives on these things, and the checklist is a means to bring these issues to the surface and work with them.
This is a modification of an interactive lecture activity that is transformed into a textra game. This activity can be inserted after participants finish reading a handout. It involves a poster preparation contest that taps into the listeners' linguistic and visual intelligences.
Co-development is a methodology of collective intelligence. It is a development approach for professionals in which participants learn from each other and consolidate their practice. The brainstorming realized, individually and with the group, is favored by a structured exercise of consultation in relation to the issues experienced by the group members.
Framework: Consideration for Others x Openness of Communication
Participants practice 4 modes of communication - Aggressive, assertive, passive, passive-aggressive in improv scenario
One person turns their back to the group and the rest of the group "gossips" about them in a positive way.
People introduce each other and take the other person's name. Continue until you meet your own name and the you sit down.
The real name of this jolt is Proactive Planning, but using that name will give away the key point that we want players to discover. Presented as a word game, this jolt lulls lures players to go after immediate gains in a mindless fashion only to regret the action later.
Studenten maken een Concept Map om concepten en thema’s te identificeren en de onderlinge relaties te visualiseren.
In een Concept Map kunnen de relaties en verhoudingen tussen ideeën, concepten en belangen schematisch weergegeven worden, zodat het verband met het centrale onderwerp of idee zichtbaar wordt.
Organize the day's meeting by co-creating and assigning roles among participants.