Name Boogie
his is designed to help warm up a new group of people who don't yet know each other's names.
his is designed to help warm up a new group of people who don't yet know each other's names.
Rythm Instruments is a fun way to break the ice in groups, helping each participant to feel involved and create something from "scratch".
This method teaches participants to work together as a team, even under pressure or constant changes. It requires them to be flexible and creative.
An exercise designed to investigate value based conflict, decision making, highlights the challenges of establishing right and wrong with different perspectives.
The activity shed a light on the importance of collaboration and how often what is clear for us can be confusing to someone else thus the method can be used to stress the effects of team communication, misunderstandings and shared knowledge.
Since you participants are not allowed to talk during the activity they need to get used to another "language" that could help them understand each other.
This simple activity is designed to have each person share things about himself or herself with the group after receiving a gift.
Help a group get to know each other better with simple mnemonics in this fast, fun game played in a circle.
This game helps to build up trust between participants.
The goal is to create flags for each of the teams while they start to work together as a team in a creative way.
A simple reflection exercises where team members recall as many concepts or phrases relating to a workshop or training as possible for each letter of the alphabet.