Name Game
Use the exercise at, or very near, the start of a course, workshop or meeting where people don't know each other as it helps to learn names of each other
Use the exercise at, or very near, the start of a course, workshop or meeting where people don't know each other as it helps to learn names of each other
How to introduce yourself in a fun, creative way? Build a handshake!
With a partner, find the 3 most unlikely / unusual / unique things you have in common with each other. Each pair chooses one to share with the group.
You can use the Draw Toast exercise to introduce people to the concepts of visual thinking, working memory, mental models and/or systems thinking.
This also works as a nice warm-up exercise to get people engaged with each other and thinking visually. Plus, it’s fun!
With a series of prompts a surprising and amazing future is created.
This method helps groups to avoid awkward silence at the beginning of the session and instantly start a conversation. Ideal for large groups.
Everyone covers their camera and one person makes a statement that is true about themselves. If it is true for others on the call, they show their face to the camera as well. The initiation for the next prompt is passed to another person in the group.
One person is designated as the leader. Others copy exactly how the leader moves. The leader calls on a new person to be the leader, and so on. Follow the follower variation is when the leading gets passed to the entire group and no single person is leading.
This game helps participants to get information on each other in a fun, competitive way.
As a virtual game in Zoom, have people narrow their screen so they only see 3 people in a row. Each person will simultaneously try to have one person sitting, one standing , and one out of the frame in their row.