Role Playing Workshop Activities

Angry Customers

Improv Prototyping
You can engage a group to learn and improve rapidly from tapping three levels of knowledge simultaneously: (1) explicit knowledge shared by participants; (2) tacit knowledge discovered through observing each other’s performance; and (3) latent knowledge, i.e., new ideas that emerge and are jointly developed.
This powerful combination can be the source of transformative experiences and, at the same time, it is seriously fun. Participants identify and act out solutions to chronic or daunting problems. A diverse mix of people is invited to dramatize simple elements that work to solve a problem. Innovations represented in the Improv sketches are assembled incrementally from pieces or chunks that can be used separately or together. It is a playful way to get very serious work done!

Virtual Video Vignettes
Two teams separately prepare and act out the same basic roleplay. Other participants watch these role-plays, compare the two versions, and evaluate them.

Here's what the three letters of the acronym stand for: constructive, immediate, and active. Whenever someone shares some news about positive things that happened to her, react constructively, immediately, and actively. This strengthens your relationship and makes both of you happy. To learn more about this approach, read the handout at the end of the game instructions.

Rollenspiel-Übung zum Aktiven Zuhören
- Dabei geht jeweils eine Person mit der Rolle „A“ und eine Person mit Rolle „B“ zusammen.
- Das Gespräch wird geführt, wobei der jeweilige Zuhörer jeweils unterbrechen kann, um das Gehörte zusammenzufassen. Der Gesprächspartner gibt unmittelbar Feedback, ob dies stimmig war.
Anschließend läuft das Gespräch weiter.
Kurze Rückmeldung zur Übung im Plenum.