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Stakeholders Workshop Activities

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Stakeholder Analysis

Managing stakeholders can help you ensure that your projects are met with success where others might fail. This activity supports you to identify your project’s stakeholders. It helps you take into account everyone who significantly impacts a decision, or could be affected by it. Identifying who has various levels of input and interest in your projects can help align decisions.

Stakeholder's View

Studenten ervaren hoe het is om met stakeholders in dialoog te gaan wanneer er conflicterende belangen zijn. Door het perspectief van verschillende stakeholders aan te nemen verdiepen ze zich in de uiteenlopende posities. Voorbereidend op het gesprek leren studenten de motieven van verschillende stakeholders te analyseren en te begrijpen hoe je het best kan reageren op verschillende reacties.

Gamestorming methods

Friend or Foe?

Any product change, project plan, change management initiative requires assessment of and approach to working with stakeholders, a term we use to describe anyone who can impact a decision. Stakeholders often slow or block change; in other cases, they bust obstacles and accelerate progress. To increase your likelihood of success, check out this activity from visual thinker Yuri Mailshenko and identify your stakeholders to understand how they feel about your work.
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