Teambuilding Workshop Activities

Unique Thing in Common
With a partner, find the 3 most unlikely / unusual / unique things you have in common with each other. Each pair chooses one to share with the group.

Better Connections

Guess the desk
An energiser game for remote teams where participants share images of their work set-up and attempt to guess opponents' desks while bluffing their own!

Break the ice with the help of your key!
The key ice breaker is a team building favorite and a great exercise to get to know each other in a group or team.
It is easy to understand and set up, can be modified according to the objects participants have, fast way to get info on each other, and surely makes everyone included!

Tower of Power
This teamwork activity requires participants to work closely together to build a tower from a set of building blocks.
The players need to coordinate their actions in order to be able to move the wooden blocks with the crane they have, and this can only be solved by precise planning, good communication and well-organised teamwork.
You may use this exercise to emphasise the following themes and outcomes:
- In Leadership training: identifying interdependencies in systems, leadership communication, dealing with risk, giving feedback
- In Team building: communicating effectively, cooperating, being an active listener, maintaining the balance, working with values
- In Project management: simulating strategic planning, working under time pressure
- In Communication training: meta communication, facilitating, dealing with different perspectives
Follow the Follower
One person is designated as the leader. Others copy exactly how the leader moves. The leader calls on a new person to be the leader, and so on. Follow the follower variation is when the leading gets passed to the entire group and no single person is leading.

Coat of Arms

Team Building using Lego

Blind Drawing
Test your communication and interpretation skills with Blind Drawing!

The Stinky Fish Canvas
The Stinky Fish Canvas is a visual way to address the problems teams carry around: the longer we void the conversation, the stinkier our issues get.

Apple, Orange and Banana!
Fun energiser to create energy and fun. Great to use after breaks such as lunch or coffee breaks.