Teambuilding Workshop Activities

Moonball is a fun challenge to create team-work an encourage strategic thinking and resilience with the participants.

Two Truth & One Lie (Online)
This exercise is ideal for a team whose members don't know one another very well but can make it difficult to apply for a group with well known people. It provides an informal platform for individuals to share personal information and build trust.

Study and Draw
Participants work in pairs to first study and then draw their partner from memory, using their non-dominant hand.

Pass the balls!
A fun way for participants to break the ice and interact with each other.

Mine fields
Participants walk blindfolded through a fake mine field guiding each other.

Der perfekte Kritiker (Feedback-Methode)
Im Team spielend Feedback geben.

Hybrid scavenger hunt
Form hybrid groups combining in-person and remote participants and leverage the different possibilities of the different settings in a fun scavenger hunt.

Iterative and incremental Team Agreements
This process is intended to involve the team in shaping its own work environment and promote a culture of continuous improvement.
Ein Schnappschuss aus meinem Leben
Diese Übung ist gut geeignet, um Empathie zwischen den Teammitgliedern aufzubauen und jedem Teilnehmer ein tieferes Verständnis für die Hintergründe seiner Kollegen zu vermitteln (besonders geeignet für internationale Teams oder Remote-Teams). Sie schafft auch eine lockere Atmosphäre für den bevorstehenden Workshop.

Voice of Team entity
Group sits in circle, one chair in the middle for VOS