Library of facilitation techniques

Teamwork Activities and Games

Facilitation techniques and activities to support team work and create better aligned and more effective teams. Foster trust and openness, improve collaboration and manage team dynamics effectively with over 150 activities to improve team work.
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Hyper Island

MethodKit for Team Development

In the age of digital, we still use analogue tools for meetings and workshops, with blank canvases like whiteboards, flip charts and notebooks as the rule. Why start from zero every time? Instead, MethodKit has collected the most important bits and pieces to get you started, and to further develop your ideas. A framework that allows creativity. What you create is up to you. MethodKit for Team Development is an analogue tool designed to help you structure and organise your teamwork for greater effectiveness, creativity and results. Built around a versatile set of cards, the kit can be used in a range of ways, from project kick-off workshops, to team reflections, coaching sessions and more.

Hyper Island

Dinner Challenge

This is a group activity that explores group dynamics, team-building and creative problem solving. It is also a lot of fun. A team of any size has the challenge to prepare a dinner for themselves and their peers, with limited resources and limited time. It works well with new teams as an exercise to help them bond, but it can also be effective for the development of experienced teams.

Hyper Island

Appreciative Inquiry: Root Causes of Success

What made success possible? In less than one hour, a group of any size can generate the list of conditions that are essential for its success. You can liberate spontaneous momentum and insights for positive change from within the organization as “hidden” success stories are revealed. Positive movement is sparked by the search for what works now and by uncovering the root causes that make success possible.

Hyper Island

Mapping Organizational Culture

As a leader or manager in a large organization, you probably have a sense of the culture and people challenges facing you, but at the same time, you must also manage not only down but up and across the organization.

Culture Mapping gives you the intelligent information you require to make a business case for the interventions, executive support, and budget you will need to minimize risk and maximize the chances of success for your change initiative.

Hyper Island

End of Year Reflection + Gratitude & Intention Setting

Purpose: People and Teams need to reflect as part of learning and innovation. Reflection can reveal strengths and areas for improvement. During the transition from one year to the next, we tend to focus on what's coming up in the new year.

Planning ahead and creating goals is important, but let's not forget to reflect on the previous year to learn from our experiences and get focused and deliberate about the future choices we make. After the Reflection, there is a gratitude and intention-setting option.

Hyper Island

Kanban Pizza Game

This Pizza Game is a great way for new or established teams to understand the principles of Lean & Agile by diving into Kanban in a quick and fun way that is hard to communicate through words alone. It teaches you how to get from an existing process to a Kanban system, how to visualize the system, and start modifying it.

The Pizza Game enables the teams to have a hands-on experience feeling the pains, gains, frustrations, and fun throughout the process - and to reflect on improvements that the participants can share back in their workplace. Bonus: you get to make (paper or digital) Pizza!

Hyper Island

AIR Feedback Model

Constructive feedback is feedback regarding an individual’s performance that can be used to build (construct) connection, successful habits and behaviors. The constructive (building) component is key because with this mindset and approach, seemingly negative feedback doesn’t become discouraging. Rather, a launch pad for creating opportunities for learning and development.

Hyper Island

The Sketch Game

A drawing exercise that shows us how we can have different perspectives on various subjects and/or objects - demonstrating cultural diversities. It can help us unlock some of our unconscious assumptions and biases. The task is fairly simple to execute and doesn’t require more than 6 A4 pages/or post-its and a pen for each participant, or a Miro/Mural or virtual whiteboard.

Hyper Island

What's in the Bag?

This is a fun icebreaker or energizer where participants are asked “What's in the bag?” It's a simple way to engage people and have fun getting to know each other, it gets participants to step into the space together. Each team gets points for any items that are called out that they have with them.

Hyper Island

This n’ That

Creativity is connecting things. If you are looking to give your creative mind a workout with a simple concept mash-up, look no further. The more you do this, the better you’ll get at one of the fundamental skills that lead to new ideas, combining elements. We've found a simple online tool from Dave Birss that helps you to define random objects that can form the basis of your creative combination.

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