Paper Telephone
Paper Telephone is a mix of two methods, "Telephone" and "Pictionary". It is a creative game aiming to fasten the get-to-know each other phase of the team while having a good time.
Paper Telephone is a mix of two methods, "Telephone" and "Pictionary". It is a creative game aiming to fasten the get-to-know each other phase of the team while having a good time.
Trust Walk is a great activity for workshop openings, especially if the workshop aims to build trust and understanding between participants. It challenges the participants to give up control over a situation and put their "fate" into other's hands.
Name Juggling is another variation of a try-to-learn-everyone's-name but the game guarantees high energy level as well as some strategic thinking.
Great activity to help people warm up in a new environment.
This activity could work between sessions as an energiser or an icebreaker. It builds on participants' memory and communication.
It's a running around energiser which surely help participants to get their energy level higher.
The river crossing game is one of many simple games that gives your group the chance to sharpen their problem-solving skills while having a bit of fun. Participants need to cross an imaginary river as a team and they need to get all members of the group safely there.