What are you doing?
One person mimes an activity and the next person asks 'what are you doing' They then answer with a different activity that the asker then mimes.
Warm up to physical activities and acceptance. Also teaches you to be kind to your partner.
accept offers of others quickly
become more comfortable with embodying activities
show don't tell
From Ted's blog
One person stands in the middle of a circle so everyone can see and begins pantomiming an action. Another comes up to the first and gently asks “What are you doing?” The first person continues doing their activity until they come up with something to say that is anything but the activity they’re doing. If I was pantomiming starting a lawnmower, for example, I might say “solving a Rubik’s cube.” The second person then takes on that activity and the first person rejoins the outer circle. Soon thereafter, a third person comes in to ask “What are you doing?” and the game continues.
Insider Tips:
Make sure the questioner asks with honest and kind curiosity rather than with dismissal or sarcasm. It also helps to use the person’s name: “Hey, Jan, what are you doing?”
Try to be realistic with the actions rather than cartoonish. How would you actually do that activity?
Again, encourage kids not to plan ahead but to let the new idea emerge from the confusion of the action they’re doing.
You may need to kibosh some suggestions intended to embarrass the next student (i.e. “I’m masturbating,” or “I’m taking a dump.”) Remind them that part of the reason you’re playing these games is to learn how to take care of each other.
Use to start scene. One person starts with activity before the partner comes on stage. 2nd person makes the first line.
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