Secondhand story
This method teaches participants to work together as a team, even under pressure or constant changes. It requires them to be flexible and creative.
This method teaches participants to work together as a team, even under pressure or constant changes. It requires them to be flexible and creative.
Two teams separately prepare and act out the same basic roleplay. Other participants watch these role-plays, compare the two versions, and evaluate them.
Here's what the three letters of the acronym stand for: constructive, immediate, and active. Whenever someone shares some news about positive things that happened to her, react constructively, immediately, and actively. This strengthens your relationship and makes both of you happy. To learn more about this approach, read the handout at the end of the game instructions.
A step-by-step process to help teams align on their plans and set focus for an upcoming period - in this case, setting Objectives (Rocks) and Key Metrics for quarterly planning.
Since you participants are not allowed to talk during the activity they need to get used to another "language" that could help them understand each other.
Studenten leren samenwerken door uiteenlopende perspectieven te verenigen die horen bij verschillende professionele rollen.
Met de triangulatiemethode kunnen studenten een onderwerp van gemeenschappelijke interesse vinden.
Door deze activiteit maken studenten kennis met andermans discipline en de bijbehorende sterke en zwakke punten.
Studenten brainstormen met behulp van een mind map om zo tot een interdisciplinaire onderzoeksvraag met sub-vragen op te stellen.
Have you ever been in the middle of a discussion with a group that is trying to reach a decision about something and realized that you actually don’t have much of a stake in what happens? Or, have you ever been advocating for a group to take things in a certain direction and notice that others (for whom the outcome will not be relevant) are arguing just as passionately as you are?
Many times when we are trying to make decisions as a group, involved parties care about the outcome, but at varying levels. This tool helps identify who actually has a stake in the outcome and allows a group to get perspective on which voice(s) should be a priority in the decision process.