Communication Workshop Activities

500 year gap
In pairs, one person describes a modern appliance to someone from 500 years ago

Name That Tune

The Secret Profession
The art of questioning to better listen. 2 rounds for the same team to discover the secret profession of the facilitator (or one of the participants).

Understanding Chain
In the Understanding Chain game, a group shifts from a content focus to an audience focus, and draws out a meaningful, linear structure for communication.

River Crossing
The river crossing game is one of many simple games that gives your group the chance to sharpen their problem-solving skills while having a bit of fun. Participants need to cross an imaginary river as a team and they need to get all members of the group safely there.

What will you tell who about what made your day today?
At the end of a meeting, participants have to go back to their boss, organization, community or family. There they'll asked a question like "what did you do?". This prepares them to that question, informs them about what others will say - and who maybe the source of this message and it give them as well as you feedback on the session. It also reinforces commitment.


Roses, Buds and Thorns
Roses, buds, and thorns is a quick and simple team exercise that can be performed at the start of a group meeting. The idea is to evaluate a project, team task, or even your day by having each team member come up with a Rose (positive highlight), Thorn (struggle or challenge), and Bud (opportunity for improvement). The goal of this activity is to open up discussion among team members and acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of others. This can allow you to put measures in place to do more of what's going well, and fix what needs fixing. As well, this activity inspires creativity and debate within teams. Discussing Buds can encourage new, creative ideas to come to the fore. Finally, the activity allows you to gain insight from all members of the team as communication and honesty are important for every group!

Playing with Status

Bottle Tower

Gibberish Interpreter
One person speaks gibberish and the other interprets