Stille Post
Die Gruppe spielt "Stille Post" und erfährt die Notwendigkeit aktiven Zuhörens.
Die Gruppe spielt "Stille Post" und erfährt die Notwendigkeit aktiven Zuhörens.
Since you participants are not allowed to talk during the activity they need to get used to another "language" that could help them understand each other.
The activity shed a light on the importance of collaboration and how often what is clear for us can be confusing to someone else thus the method can be used to stress the effects of team communication, misunderstandings and shared knowledge.
When facing impossible task, are you ready to ask others for help? Do you see rules as limitations or opportunities?
Partners improvise scene in 1 minute. Then repeat same scene in 30 sec. 15 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec.
Anschließend läuft das Gespräch weiter.
Kurze Rückmeldung zur Übung im Plenum.
This game enforces the importance of SELF ORGANIZATION, COMMUNICATION, SIMPLICITY and TRUST
Self-Organized team is really efficient (no manager needed)
Team should find a quick and simple way to communicate (short verbal word)
The strategy has to be very simple (no time for thinking or organizing the team during the play)
Each member should trust other members (for taking care of the chair he left)
An icebreaker game to empower people to be more opened and start a conversation with the others.
This exercise is ideal for a team whose members don't know one another very well but can make it difficult to apply for a group with well known people. It provides an informal platform for individuals to share personal information and build trust.
Dieses Spiel ist ein bisschen wie Stille Post, nur dass man das Gesagte absichtlich falsch versteht.