Library of facilitation techniques

Communication Workshop Activities

Group activities and exercises to improve communication skills.
66 results
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Teampedia Tools


Since you participants are not allowed to talk during the activity they need to get used to another "language" that could help them understand each other.

Teampedia Tools

Broken email

The activity shed a light on the importance of collaboration and how often what is clear for us can be confusing to someone else thus the method can be used to stress the effects of team communication, misunderstandings and shared knowledge.

Teampedia Tools

Mouse traps

This is a trust-building activity that can be very rewarding for participants, and can open up a great dialogue between participants. Naturally there is an element of risk, and the activity should be practiced on yourself, before you practice it on others... Before you do any trust activity, you must decide whether or not the group is ready, and whether or not this is an appropriate activity for the group, the individual, and the sequence of your teambuilding activities.
Heike Roettgers

Rollenspiel-Übung zum Aktiven Zuhören

Die Teilnehmer gehen zu zweit zusammen und üben das Aktive Zuhören anhand eines Rollenspiels.
  • Dabei geht jeweils eine Person mit der Rolle „A“ und eine Person mit Rolle „B“ zusammen.
  • Das Gespräch wird geführt, wobei der jeweilige Zuhörer jeweils unterbrechen kann, um das Gehörte zusammenzufassen. Der Gesprächspartner gibt unmittelbar Feedback, ob dies stimmig war.

Anschließend läuft das Gespräch weiter.

Kurze Rückmeldung zur Übung im Plenum.

Michał Wesołowski

Non musical chairs

This game enforces the importance of SELF ORGANIZATION, COMMUNICATION, SIMPLICITY and TRUST

Self-Organized team is really efficient (no manager needed)

Team should find a quick and simple way to communicate (short verbal word)

The strategy has to be very simple (no time for thinking or organizing the team during the play)

Each member should trust other members (for taking care of the chair he left)