This ia a 3-minute jolt activity that enables the participants to explore what makes a task highly motivating.
This ia a 3-minute jolt activity that enables the participants to explore what makes a task highly motivating.
In this fun and active group game, participants sit in a circle, with one person in the middle. The person in the middle asks different questions that force people to quickly get up and race to find another seat. One person is always left in the middle without a seat. The game is fast-paced and highly physical and quickly generates laughter. An effective game to promote group development or simply to boost energy.
This simple group game is played in a circle. Participants repeatedly choose one other person to look at, hoping that person won’t be looking back at them. Whenever eye contact is made between two participants, both must shout wildly and lunge backward. They are then eliminated. The game generates laugher and boosts energy in a group.
Name Juggling is another variation of a try-to-learn-everyone's-name but the game guarantees high energy level as well as some strategic thinking.
It's a running around energiser which surely help participants to get their energy level higher.
Using African (and other) Proverbs for inspiration and connection
Whoosh, bangs, zaps etc. are passed around the circle. Great opportunity to introduce failure bow
Equilateral Triangles Collaboration is an excellent conference icebreaker that highlights how large self-organizing groups can successfully collaborate without the need for stringent rules, regulations and leadership.
As an icebreaker in a workshop or conference that has ‘collaboration’ or 'self-organization' as a key theme.
In a circle you must call someone else's name before a zombie gets to you.