Zombie Name game
In a circle you must call someone else's name before a zombie gets to you.
In a circle you must call someone else's name before a zombie gets to you.
Impulse (also known as Pass the Pulse) is a great exercise for teamwork and breaking the ice at the same time.
Have your group stand up in a close circle (10 to 16 people is best). They close their eyes put their hands into the circle and find two hands and hold on. Then they open their eyes and the group has to try to get back into a circle without letting go, though they can change their grip, of course.
In this group game, players stand in a circle and perform a series of loud physical moves, passing from one person to the next. When a player hesitates or makes a mistake, he or she is eliminated and the game continues. The game generates laughter and playfulness in the group.
This fun activity allows participants to follow instructions on a MURAL whiteboard to perform a variety of activities and eventually share their name and location. You can use this as a short ice-breaker or energiser (remove some of the activities) or as either pre-work or an opening activity to make sure that everyone knows how to use MURAL before an online session begins.
A MURAL template is included for you to use and modify as you wish (at the bottom of this method).
In pairs count to 3. Then replace 1 with snap, 2 with clap, 3 with stomp
A quick and effective activity to energize your group at a virtual meeting by adapting the Mexican Wave to an online setting.
This is a quick final closing activity that leaves a group with a quick adrenelin boost. You could use it at any time as an energiser, although I usually use it to close an event.
Ultimate tic-tac-toe is variation and more strategic version of Tic Tac Toe which allows for a more dynamic and strategic gameplay for participants. This is designed for 2 main players (which can be individuals or groups).
Ein amüsantes Warm-up für Fremde oder aber auch für Teammitglieder, die sich bereits gut kennen. Es trainiert die Fähigkeiten des aktiven Zuhörens, der Empathie und der genauen Beobachtung: Wer erkennt anhand der Körpersprache die Lüge?
Participants set up their virtual workspace and tech configurations based on facilitator recommendations or online guides. Next, they take photos of their workspaces and tech. Finally, they share their set up and live video in the virtual session, which could also be spun into a competition.