La fila dei compleanni
È un icebreaker veloce e divertente
È un icebreaker veloce e divertente
Ice breaker divertente che incuriosisce i partecipanti
Circle players up and let them know they will play catch, which is very easy. The difference is that the "ball" is a sound they make up in the moment and it will change with every throw to the next player
Player 1 "throws" by making a sound accompanied by a gesture/eye contact to indicate who they are throwing to
Player 2 "catches" by making the same sound back to player 1
Player 2 is then player 1 and creates a new sound to throw to a new player 2
Play for a few minutes and see how players adjust and relax. Pause midway if needed to help them along with key questions like "are you looking for a right or a cool sound?" or "how much are you in your head?"
What improved it and smoothed it out?
What did you have to let go of?
How risky did it feel?
Discussions can go in many directions, let the players discover their own answers.
Virtual Adaptation:
Number the players - make sure the numeral is in front of their name so it stays visible, ex 3 James, and have them "throw" to the next number.
Have players call on one another before they "throw," ex "Mary, ooga boogah!"
Use the exercise at, or very near, the start of a course, workshop or meeting where people don't know each other as it helps to learn names of each other
Participants attempt to count to 20, saying the numbers in a random order without repeating any.
Something fun to bring people away from their seat, get on their feet and knowing more about each other.
Get to know your group with a fun, physical game where teams take turns being human puppets and puppeteers.
Dà allegria lanciare gli aeroplanini, qui si tratta di tornare un po' bambini per attivare in maniera dinamica il gruppo