Common Experiences
A funny way to get to know each other especially in groups of children or teenagers.
A funny way to get to know each other especially in groups of children or teenagers.
Fun and easy sequence to be used with all types of groups of people (colleagues, team mates, new team, communities, random group of people, etc.)
This meeting icebreaker is a great energizer to do right before a break or coming back from a break, especially if you have stragglers
An activity to get to know each other- from a different perspective, as children
Ice breaker for groups who don't know each other.
The purpose of a retrospective is to reflect on the process of the team’s collaboration, rather than on the content of work itself. This opening icebreaker helps participants to get in a reflective mood and share their thoughts and feelings.
his is designed to help warm up a new group of people who don't yet know each other's names.
You can use any of the 52 activities outlined in this tool on a daily basis in order to strengthen your outward mindset tendencies.
Ein amüsantes Warm-up für Fremde oder aber auch für Teammitglieder, die sich bereits gut kennen. Es trainiert die Fähigkeiten des aktiven Zuhörens, der Empathie und der genauen Beobachtung: Wer erkennt anhand der Körpersprache die Lüge?
A great get-to-know activity that dives a bit deeper than regular name repeating games.