Idea Generation Workshop Activities

This step-by-step method is intended to facilitate the co-creation of actual measures and steps towards change within a team or an organisation. All participants are involved and develop all the ideas together. You have idea owners but the content is created through a process where everyone is involved in all ideas.

You have a wealth of brilliant ideas, and it can be a challenge to select which to take forward to develop further.
This game will help you decide on, and select winning ideas.

Build on your ideas by looking at them from someone else's perspective. What would your favorite actor think of your concept? Would your president or prime minister endorse it? What if you were to switch hats with another organization? How would they change or build on your idea?


Customer Service Categories

Email Questions
A virtual asynchronous start for an issues or problem solving workshop.

The Silent Mindmap

Creative Thinking
We live in fast changing world and we need to think and react quickly and decisively. This gamification tool encourages people to think rapidly and creatively. Remove the mental barriers that prevent people from overthinking and blocking in branstormings.
Walt Disney Strategie
De Walt Disney Strategie stimuleert creatief denken bij het oplossen van complexe problemen.
Studenten worden gestimuleerd om een open en positieve houding aan te nemen om nieuwe en onconventionele ideeën te bedenken, en deze vervolgens om te zetten in gestructureerde, concrete plannen.

Build a Hero
Find new opportunities by testing the limit of what's possible? Sometimes getting unstuck means zooming out and then dreaming big. Here's your opportunity to get fantastical. Don't worry about viability or resources, worry about saving the world.

Pro Action Cafe
A blend of Open Space and World Cafe that gets large groups of people working on action, in a co-creative, peer coaching environment.