Library of facilitation techniques

Workshop activities to Analyse, Understand and Innovate

Tools and techniques to analyse and understand complex situations, to unleash creativity and to discover new insights. Make sure your group explores the situation at hand and all participants get a thorough understanding before moving on to make decisions.
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Causal Loop Diagram

Met een CLD maken studenten inzichtelijk welke factoren van invloed zijn op een probleem.

Een Causal Loop Diagram is vaak onderdeel van een uitgebreidere toekomstverkenning. Lees de oefening Scenario-analyse voor een overzicht van alle opdrachten die hier onderdeel van uitmaken.

Als voorbereiding op een projectplan of toekomstverkenning kunnen studenten hun probleem eerst doorgronden met een Causal Loop Diagram (CLD). Dit diagram kan worden gebruikt als wetenschappelijke basis voor een verder analyse en uitwerking.

Vaak wordt het maken van een CLD tijdens een werkgeroep gekoppeld aan een schrijfopdracht waarbij studenten de verdere analyse zelfstandig uitwerken. 

Thiagi Group

Rapid Responses

Here's an experiential introduction to this activity:

What is your preferred technique for learning something new?

Write your answer on a piece of paper. If you don't have a piece of paper, just say your answer out aloud.

I am now going to ask you a different question. Once again, write down your answer (or say it out aloud).

What method do you usually use to train other people?

Compare your answers to the two questions. Are they consistent with each other? If not, why is there a discrepancy between the way you like to learn and the way you train others? Should you not help others learn the same way you like to learn?

Does this inconsistency exist because you believe that training is different from learning? Don't you believe that training has to result in learning?

Does this inconsistency exist because you believe that your learning preference is unique only to you? Don't you think that other people may have unique learning preferences? How does your training accommodate these individual differences?

Andrea Beliczki

Fill in the Blank

Identify some of your user's key emotions.

Offer prompts in an interview to uncover people's emotions about things that might not come up otherwise and set yourself up for more engaging conversation.

Thiagi Group

Review Roulette

Games of pure chance discourage smarter players from mastering new skills and knowledge. Games of pure skill discourage weaker players from trying hard once they fall behind. An effective training game strikes a balance between chance and skill. That's exactly what Review Roulette does.

Digital Society School

Emoji story

An Emoji story is a method to interpret collected data by translating it into a story. In the story, you leave out specific words that describe important and emotional concepts and change them for Emoji‘s.

To be used after having collected data of user behaviour, context and emotions.

Thiagi Group

Open Book

Open Book is a quiz game that helps participants become familiar with the structure and organization of a reference manual. During the first phase of the game, individual participants review the manual and prepare 10 questions. During the second phase, participants form into teams and select their five best questions. During the third phase, you conduct a quiz program using these questions and some others that you have prepared earlier.

Andrea Beliczki

Photo diary

Get a window in someone else's life. Gain access to the parts of someone's life you might not otherwise see by having them keep a photo diary for a few days or weeks.