Partners improvise scene in 1 minute. Then repeat same scene in 30 sec. 15 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec.
Partners improvise scene in 1 minute. Then repeat same scene in 30 sec. 15 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec.
One person is the photographer and the other the camera. The Camera has their eyes closed and is guided by the Photographer who takes photos by cueing the camera to open and close their eyes to snap a photo.
Players create a slide with their bodies and someone else explains what it is
A fun and interactive storytelling game that helps team members learn more about each other by guessing which colleague’s experience matches each story.
Choose a random object or theme (ie. kiss, teacher, trouble, pet, etc)
Think of a story for each category
A scripted roleplay highlighting the importance of accountability and good governance.