Library of facilitation techniques

Teamwork Activities and Games

Facilitation techniques and activities to support team work and create better aligned and more effective teams. Foster trust and openness, improve collaboration and manage team dynamics effectively with over 150 activities to improve team work.
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Thiagi Group

Fun with Snowballs

This activity energizes the group. So use it when participants need a spurt of energy. The main element of this activity is the anonymous way in which participants provide their inputs. The facilitator can use the information gained through this activity to evaluate what the participants have learned or want to learn.

Business Model Canvas

Een business model canvas helpt om snel een een overzicht te krijgen van een organisatie en haar klanten. Het kan het best gebruikt worden wanneer kleine teams studenten een onderzoeks- en consultancy opdracht uit moeten voeren voor een cliënt, waarbij ze eenduidige adviezen moeten geven. 

Hyper Island

MethodKit for Team Development

In the age of digital, we still use analogue tools for meetings and workshops, with blank canvases like whiteboards, flip charts and notebooks as the rule. Why start from zero every time? Instead, MethodKit has collected the most important bits and pieces to get you started, and to further develop your ideas. A framework that allows creativity. What you create is up to you. MethodKit for Team Development is an analogue tool designed to help you structure and organise your teamwork for greater effectiveness, creativity and results. Built around a versatile set of cards, the kit can be used in a range of ways, from project kick-off workshops, to team reflections, coaching sessions and more.

Hyper Island

Dinner Challenge

This is a group activity that explores group dynamics, team-building and creative problem solving. It is also a lot of fun. A team of any size has the challenge to prepare a dinner for themselves and their peers, with limited resources and limited time. It works well with new teams as an exercise to help them bond, but it can also be effective for the development of experienced teams.

Thiagi Group

Little Known Facts - I

People enjoy learning little-known facts (LKFs) about each other. (E.g. I have a twin brother / I always need to know which direction North is / etc.). They also enjoy revealing such facts to total strangers--perhaps because it makes them feel like celebrities. Participants guess LKFs about other people by asking Yes/No questions.