Library of facilitation techniques

Teamwork Workshop Activities

Group activities to improve collaboration and help you to build high-performing teams.
54 results
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Sanji Saginashvili


Euro-Quiz aims to have participants learn more about other countries, while being challenged to answer the questions about them. All participants work individually, while answering the questions but their individual effort make the team whole.
"One for all and all for one"
"Teamwork makes the dream work"

Filip Popov


The famous League of Explorers* is up for yet another challenge, this time in an ancient Mayan jungle. Deep within the jungle a very valuable relic - the golden dinosaur awaits them. Hidden behind a large waterfall the golden dinosaur lays, waiting for it's treasures to be reaped! But all kinds of challenges await in the jungle until they get their hands on the golden dinosaur...

*The League of Explorers are the participants

Heike Roettgers


Situation: Kooperationsstörungen in der Gruppe. Man geht zu wenig aufeinander ein. Jeder denkt nur an sich. Der Reihe nach sagt jeder nur ein Wort. Nach und nach entwickelt entwickelt sich eine Geschichte.

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