FAQs for Transactions Authors

Answers for Authors to Frequently Asked Questions

For PES Transactions, we accept papers of the highest quality for publication, with an acceptance rate generally between 15-20%. Take a look at these frequently asked questions before submitting your manuscripts—we hope you will find this information helpful!



Paper Preparation

Is there a specific format required for manuscripts being submitted to the PES Transactions?

Manuscripts submitted to the PES Transactions for review must be in single-spaced, double-column format with all graphics (figures and tables) in place in the text near to where they are cited. See the Author’s Kit for complete formatting instructions and Word templates that can be used to format your manuscript.

Is there a LaTeX template available for the PES Transactions?

An IEEE Publications Department template is available on the web at https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/ieee-article-templates/templates-for-transactions/. Please use bare_jrnl.tex. This template will produce a manuscript that satisfies PES formatting requirements. The stylistic differences from the PES Word templates are acceptable.

Should the authors' names be included on a manuscript submitted for review?

Yes. PES requires that the name and affiliation of each author appear on the first page of any manuscript submitted to the Transactions for review. See the PES Author’s Kit for examples of the author line and the affiliation footnote.

Is there a limit to how long my manuscript can be?

First submissions are limited to 10 pages including any references, attributions, biographies, etc. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be returned without review. Revised papers submitted in response to Revise and Resubmit decisions may exceed 10 pages. If an accepted paper’s final page count exceeds 8 pages, the authors MUST pay overlength page charges ($150 per additional page) to cover publishing costs in excess of the allotted publication budget.

Submission Information / ScholarOne Manuscripts

How can I determine which of the PES Transactions is the best fit for my paper?

You can find the technical areas covered by each of the PES Transactions listed in the Author’s Kit. In addition, you can find the scopes on the Transactions web pages. Just click on the links below:

Can I submit my paper to more than one Transactions?

The same paper cannot be submitted to more than one Transactions. An author should choose the Transactions (Energy Conversion, Power Delivery, Power Systems, Smart Grid, or Sustainable Energy) best suited to review the paper and submit it to only that Transactions. The Editor-in-Chief will inform the author if the paper is more suitable for another Transactions.

How do I submit my paper to a PES Transactions?

Complete instructions on how to submit a paper to the Transactions can be found in the Author’s Kit.

During step 4 of the submission process on ScholarOne Manuscripts, how do I add my co-author's name?

In the Add Author section, enter your co-author’s e-mail address and click on the Search button. If your co-author is found in the database, click on Add Author. If your co-author is not found in the database, click on create a new co-author. (Please note that all of the authors listed on the manuscript must appear in the Authors & Institutions list and they should be listed in the same order in which they appear on the manuscript.)

How do I submit companion papers to a PES Transactions?

Companion papers must be uploaded separately to ScholarOne Manuscripts so that each can receive a manuscript ID for tracking purposes. Please mention in your cover letter that you are submitting companion papers.

The due date for submitting my revision is approaching. Can you tell me the exact time of day that the revision option will expire?

It will expire on the due date at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.

I need more time to complete the revision of my paper. How do I apply for an extension?

Contact the administrator of the Transactions by using the link in your Author Center. The administrator will look into this for you, but approval of the extension is not guaranteed.

I just submitted the revised version of my manuscript and a response to the reviewers. I can still view the manuscript in my Author Center, but not the response to the reviewers. Is this usual?

Yes. Once you submit your revision, the response to the reviewers is no longer visible in the Author Center.

My paper has been published in the proceedings of a PES conference. Can I submit it to a PES Transactions?

PES policy allows papers presented at PES conferences to be submitted for its journals after upgrading with new and additional content. The policy requires that for a PES conference paper to be considered for a journal publication it must have at least 60% new content reflecting new data, experimental results, analysis, conclusions, etc. 

How do I submit a discussion of a published paper?

Complete instructions on how to submit a discussion can be found in  the Author’s Kit.

Review Process

What type of peer review is used for PES Transactions articles?

The articles in PES Transactions are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual (https://pspb.ieee.org/images/files/files/opsmanual.pdf). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

How long will the review of my manuscript take?

Every effort will be made to complete the review of your manuscript in three months. Please note that it can take longer if a large number of manuscripts are in review at the same time. If the review has substantially exceeded three months, you may send an inquiry to . Be sure to include the manuscript ID number.

How can I find out the status of my manuscript?

You will be able to confirm that the review of your paper is still in progress by checking the status in your Author Center.

Upon Acceptance

My manuscript has been accepted for publication. How much time do I have to submit my final files?

In order to avoid a delay in the publication of your paper, you should upload your final files as soon as possible.

I would like to recognize a colleague's contribution to my accepted paper. Can I update the author line?

PES policy does not allow changes to be made to the author line once the paper has been accepted for publication.

My manuscript has been accepted. When will it be published?

After a manuscript has been accepted and the final files have been uploaded by the author to ScholarOne Manuscripts, the author-supplied PDF file is posted on IEEE Xplore® as an Early Access article. Failure to provide a PDF file as one of the final files will delay the posting on IEEE Xplore®. Early Access articles are considered published and are fully citable.