Library of facilitation techniques

Workshop activities to Analyse, Understand and Innovate

Tools and techniques to analyse and understand complex situations, to unleash creativity and to discover new insights. Make sure your group explores the situation at hand and all participants get a thorough understanding before moving on to make decisions.
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Gamestorming methods

Even Flow

Polarities live as interdependent pairs that need each other to exist, for example inhaling & exhaling. One pole is not valued as better than the other. Polarities have an enduring quality, they are unavoidable and unsolvable.

Polarities live everywhere from our internal dialogue to external patterns of relating in society and within organizations. Overfocus on any one pole leads to the breakdown of the system as a whole.

Digital Society School

Morphological chart

A Morphological chart is a method that splits a product/solution into smaller chunks that can then be analyzed and ideated for independently. Afterwards those ideas can be mixed and matched to develop different solutions.

To be used after having a clear overview of the design problem and at the beginning of the ideation phase.

Andrea Beliczki

Capture the right mood

Understand your users through visual artifacts.

A mood board is a collage of images and texture that communicates a feeling or experience. See what inspires people by asking them to make their very own.

Andrea Beliczki

Try it yourself

Gain empathy by trying something new.

Imagine a day in the life of a person you're designing for - their morning routine, diet, hobbies, commute, commonly used products, and more.

Hans Sauer Stiftung

Story Template

The story template is a method to help in the exploration or research phase of a project. It is especially useful during shorter processes such as a design sprint or a design jam. It can serve as a substitute for interviews if time/ context does not allow for it and it helps the workshop participants to create data connected to real experiences in their lives.

Stakeholder's View

Studenten ervaren hoe het is om met stakeholders in dialoog te gaan wanneer er conflicterende belangen zijn. Door het perspectief van verschillende stakeholders aan te nemen verdiepen ze zich in de uiteenlopende posities. Voorbereidend op het gesprek leren studenten de motieven van verschillende stakeholders te analyseren en te begrijpen hoe je het best kan reageren op verschillende reacties.

Thiagi Group

2 Minute Drill

Textra Games combine the effective organization of well-written documents with the motivational impact of training games. Participants read a handout, booklet, reprint, or a chapter in a book and play a game that uses peer pressure and peer support to encourage the recall and transfer of what they read.

Here is a fast-paced textra game for reviewing training content from product-knowledge booklets or technical reference manuals.

Andrea Beliczki

Care package

Let people show you what matters to them.

Give people a chance to explain their priorities in their own words by inviting them to create a care package for a specific purpose.

Andrea Beliczki

Rejection Therapy

Get fresh and perspective by trying something new and (slightly) scary.

Often, we're designing for behavior change. To find emotional common ground with the people you're designing for, observe how it feels to wade into the unknown, and experience how scary trying something new can be.