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SCRUM: Agile Methods to empower teams

Many routines, methods, practices coming from the world of Agile can be applied in any project, bringing benefits to teams and customers. Note that it shall be done respecting agile value and mindset (collaboration, team spirit, self organisation, customer focus, responsibility,...). Here are few examples you could consider:

Run your activities in sprints of one month, and plan sprint ceremonies to review what has been done, spend some time to improve the way you work ( see practices related to team improvement), and plan your next activities depending on changes and new priorities.Use extensively Visual Management for the team to control what they do. Even if you don’t run sprints, propose regularly some retrospective, some time to reflect on how the team works and how to improve. Define priorities, the 'what’ and let the team self organize and decide the 'how’Let the team contributes to the estimation of the workload (see planning poker practice). Contact the Agile community for further help:
Andrea Beliczki

Capture the right mood

Understand your users through visual artifacts.

A mood board is a collage of images and texture that communicates a feeling or experience. See what inspires people by asking them to make their very own.

Andrea Beliczki

Try it yourself

Gain empathy by trying something new.

Imagine a day in the life of a person you're designing for - their morning routine, diet, hobbies, commute, commonly used products, and more.

Hans Sauer Stiftung

Story Template

The story template is a method to help in the exploration or research phase of a project. It is especially useful during shorter processes such as a design sprint or a design jam. It can serve as a substitute for interviews if time/ context does not allow for it and it helps the workshop participants to create data connected to real experiences in their lives.

Stakeholder's View

Studenten ervaren hoe het is om met stakeholders in dialoog te gaan wanneer er conflicterende belangen zijn. Door het perspectief van verschillende stakeholders aan te nemen verdiepen ze zich in de uiteenlopende posities. Voorbereidend op het gesprek leren studenten de motieven van verschillende stakeholders te analyseren en te begrijpen hoe je het best kan reageren op verschillende reacties.