High-five elimination
Try to high-five the person to your right or left. If you match you stay in the game.
Try to high-five the person to your right or left. If you match you stay in the game.
Each person describes how they are feeling in terms of a weather system.
Individuals express their response to a statement or idea by standing closer or further from a central object. Used with teams to reveal system, hidden patterns, perspectives.
* weather check-in
* photo card
* one word
* one song
* draw a symbol
* lego tower
* roller coaster drawing
* 1-2-3 with sound & motion replacement
A fast get-to-know game that can be tailored according to the participants age/profession/etc.
The intention of the diversity welcome is inclusion. It can be long or short. The common element is to inclusively name a range of possibilities with a genuine “Welcome!”
The game enables participants to get to know each other and have fun at the same time. Also since it takes a lot of moving it can be used as an energiser too.
A funny way to get to know each other especially in groups of children or teenagers.
Story is told one word or one sentence at a time
Have people take out their phone
Select the 10th photo
Share with your partner/table
The purpose of a retrospective is to reflect on the process of the team’s collaboration, rather than on the content of work itself. This opening icebreaker helps participants to get in a reflective mood and share their thoughts and feelings.
People take turns sharing how they feel and stating what they do when they feel the way someone else is feeling.