What's in a name?
Ice breaker for groups who don't know each other.
Ice breaker for groups who don't know each other.
Dragon Dreaming is a process for creating and achieving collective dreams, which involves four phases: dreaming, planning, doing, and celebrating.
People take turns sharing how they feel and stating what they do when they feel the way someone else is feeling.
This can be used as a teambuilding activity or a way to introduce participants to each other.
A fun energizer where one player must try and eliminate the rest of the team by winking - all without being caught.
A game to work with assumptions and to reflect on how things are being handled in the organisation. How do we learn from each other?
Team bonding with fun, helps teams move forward through every day challenges. Here is our suggestion. ENJOY!!!
Each participant has 7 minutes to describe his life starting with the present moment, ending in early childhood.
A popular Agile game to remind companies of their Agile roots, to harness collaboration and participation. Discover parallels in Agile and lean in a reflective discussion
Participants will be split in teams and asked to build a bridge with the given materials.
With a partner find the 3 most unlikely / weird / surprising things you have in common with each other
Each pair chooses one to share with the group