Empathy Map
create an empathy map
create an empathy map
Partner A either repeats, rewords, or supports Partner B's statement before adding their own dialogue.
1. Remain a victim
2. Reframe it / change perspective
3. Change it
4. Accept it
5. Leave it
character walks based on prompts
Walk like a ... 86 year old man, CEO, olympic athlete, pregnant woman, etc.
Walk as inspired by a... grandfather clock, ice cream truck, ocean wave...
One partner describes what to draw without naming the object
Start with eye contact instructions (2 groups) & mingle
switch roles & mingle
choose and change status
Explore external vs. internal
In pairs, create 30 second scenes with only these 4 words.
In groups, each player takes a turn talking for 90 seconds while expressing one thought at a time to one person.
Pass a simultaneous clap around the circle
As people are picked up by the driver their emotional state 'infects' the rest of the group.
In a circle Person 1 mimes an activity. The next person asks them 'what are you doing" and they respond with something different. Then person 2 begins doing that activity.
Pass out 2 colors of cards. Everyone answers "what does it look like when X topic is present (positive goal). One color puts down cards and builds out answers in paired yes, and conversations. Then switch roles.