One person is the photographer and the other the camera. The Camera has their eyes closed and is guided by the Photographer who takes photos by cueing the camera to open and close their eyes to snap a photo.
One person is the photographer and the other the camera. The Camera has their eyes closed and is guided by the Photographer who takes photos by cueing the camera to open and close their eyes to snap a photo.
Group sits in circle, one chair in the middle for VOS
In 2 groups: One group is clay, and they close their eyes. The other group are sculptors.The sculptors build one sculpture out of all the `clay` players.
One player 'sculpts' another player like clay
A category is created and one person gives 5 things in that category.
Desarrollo de una relación de confianza con cada componente del equipo
Whole group forms a sculpture of their experience, I am a tree style