Yes, and scene
2 people yes, and each other's offers and build a scene before our eyes
2 people yes, and each other's offers and build a scene before our eyes
players build out a character's experience based on a single feeling
Players create a slide with their bodies and someone else explains what it is
One player initiates with object work. The second player joins the scene by doing complementary object work, then verbally initiates by saying "You seem _______." Player 1 yes-ands, and so on.
Players pass a letter of the alphabet in pairs, focusing on receiving the emotion, embodying it and allowing it to evolve.
Partners give gifts to each other. Receiver is delighted to receive the gift.
One by one individuals add details to a scene.
Variation: 2 players sculpt details as the group creates the scene
Scene: Players add before/during the scene
Group game with two random words together as a new invention the group creates one yes, and statement at at time.
Group yes, and circle game
Can I take your spot? The "Yes" Game is an interactive exercise that helps participants explore the dynamics of agreement and disagreement.
Single yes, and statement to SCES statement