Self-confidence comes from within, to have self-confidence you have to have trust in others but more importantly, you have to trust yourself.
Self-confidence comes from within, to have self-confidence you have to have trust in others but more importantly, you have to trust yourself.
Each participant has 7 minutes to describe his life starting with the present moment, ending in early childhood.
Pass out 2 colors of cards. Everyone answers "what does it look like when X topic is present (positive goal). One color puts down cards and builds out answers in paired yes, and conversations. Then switch roles.
In small groups one person is introduced and their hypeman hypes them up
With a partner find the 3 most unlikely / weird / surprising things you have in common with each other
Each pair chooses one to share with the group
This game helps to build up trust between participants.
In pairs, partners find 3 unusual things they have in common. Then each pair chooses one to share with the group.
The following activities are part of dance therapy methods. They allow the group to feel connected and explore body movement on their own and in pair.
2 players create a secret 'handshake' when they see each other again they do their handshake
Various ways to have participants 'map' themselves in response to a facilitator's prompt. See also 'constellations'
Punctuate any hybrid event with moments in which participants joining remotely and in-person briefly get together to discuss their experiences at the gathering.
Tech tasks
Send all the people participating in person a link to join the online call.
Tech host create as many breakout rooms as the number of attendees in the smallest cohort, pairing each with one or, if necessary, two, participants from the other group.